Lions for Lambs Oscar Buzz

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Lions for Lambs Oscar Buzz
It is quite clear that the Robert Redford Directed Film [B][B]“Lions for Lambs” [/B][/B]is grabbing the attention of critics everywhere and as expected there is early Oscar buzz being generated for this controversial look at the war on terror. It will be hitting theaters November 9th. The story involves two college students (Michael Pena, Derek Luke) joining the military to depart on their first tour of duty in Afghanistan, despite the advice of their college professor (Robert Redford.) Meanwhile, an incredulous conservative senator (Tom Cruise) decides to give a TV journalist (Meryl Streep) a huge scoop that may affect the very lives of those soldiers. [B] Here is the trailer:[/B] [CENTER] [LEFT]This looks to be the must see film of the year, and even though Cruise has lost much credibility over the past couple years as a person, he's still a fine actor. The story told in this life/art piece is just too powerful to ignore. [/LEFT] [/CENTER]
I think this movie looks UH MAZING and I am really looking forward to seeing it!! If an actor is good at their craft, I can pretty much always look past whatever is going on with them personally. And Tom Cruise can act. Do you remember when he was cast to play the bad vampire (can't remember the characters name) in Inteverview with a Vampire??? The author of the book, Anne Rice, was not happy with that casting and was quoted as saying Tom Cruies was too "all american apple pie' to play that dark role. But once she saw a cut of the movie, she was thrilled by the way he interpreted the character she came up with on screen. She even took out a full page ad in Variety apologizing for what she said and gushing about how well Tom did. So I think that's a sign of a very intense great actor. My dad actually thinks that Sean Penn is the biggest jerk in real life, but he loooves his movie because as an audience member, he can appreciate Sean Penn's craft that he does so well. Anyway, back to the movie. I think that this is the kind of movie that is so relevent to the issues going on RIGHT NOW that it will really make people think and even possibly some may re evaluate their way of thinking. And if a theatrical work of art can do something that meaningful, I would say that it deserves the Oscar buzz.