The Challenge: Battle of the Bloodlines (Trailer)

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The Challenge: Battle of the Bloodlines (Trailer)

The Challenge Season 27 Trailer


Was that CT....

Can someone please do those voice overs where u write each line of the trailer


Was that CT....

hells ya!!!

Was that CT....

He does an apperance with diem sister and Zach does too

Was that CT....

Damn they should have just been a team! Would have killed. Looks like Brianna and Jenna go at eachother...

PR -- Do we know who Zach is there with? 

PR -- Do we know who Zach is there with? 

I heard by himself no idea what was his purpose, since he is just there cuddling with Jenna lmao

OH *****! I wasn't ready for CT. Omgggggg.

PR -- Do we know who Zach is there with? 

zach's not there? wait what? #confused

Honestly we might see CT back next season because he was on no one's radar for Bloodlines and he showed up.

He might do the same for Challenge 28 I-m so happy

WOW just WOW

 even with 60 second, it still looks great!

PR -- Do we know who Zach is there with? 

zach's not there? wait what? #confused

He's not on the season but was shown in the trailer laying next to Jenna in bed

I see Tony and his brother going at it... again... smdh

Edit: totally got mixed up with Bruno and his brother's fights... but Tony's bro was also on Skeletons lol

PR -- Do we know who Zach is there with? 

zach's not there? wait what? #confused

He's not on the season but was shown in the trailer laying next to Jenna in bed

is shaved head zach??? that looks nothing like him!! haha

WOW just WOW

 even with 60 second, it still looks great!

I agree! We didn't see too much of the challenges or eliminations like usual but that doesn't give much away. Usually we can tell who's in eliminations against who. I just wish we saw a little more of the cast.

PR -- Do we know who Zach is there with? 

zach's not there? wait what? #confused

He's not on the season but was shown in the trailer laying next to Jenna in bed

is shaved head zach??? that looks nothing like him!! haha

Yup! haha

My jaw dropped when I saw CT like wtf where did he come from.


Also yaaaasss @ Aneesa and Cara Maria fighting. I hope Aneesa drags her.

Nany's cousin sorta looks like Megan Fox in that preview haha

Nany's cousin sorta looks like Megan Fox in that preview haha

I agree! She looked so much better than she usually looks in the pictures we see of her.

Megan & Chris... right now...    Cray 2   Smile   Yes 3


I'm so turned about this.

Nany's cousin sorta looks like Megan Fox in that preview haha

I agree! She looked so much better than she usually looks in the pictures we see of her.

she looks great honestly


Why they show so much Abram like wtf

The trailer looks good. Wish it were longer so we can get more footage.

Ew @ CT being there.

Double Ew @ Zach being there too. I know he's not a contestant but still. I just do not want to see him at all.


Bye! That weak *** fight between her and Brianna had nothing on Tony fighting Shane. 

And is Cara is crying on Thomas shoulder?
