The Real World: Portland - Johnny Reilly

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The Real World: Portland - Johnny Reilly
[B]Johnny Reilly[/B] 21 West Bridgewater, MA 2009 graduate of Coyle and Cassidy High School in Taunton, MA, where he played hockey. Works as a chef in a restaurant. Lives with his friend instead of with his family. Enjoys the gym. [url=][img][/img][/url] Side profiles appear to be a match: [url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url] And the dead giveaway: [url=][img][/img][/url] [url=][img][/img][/url] [url=][img][/img][/url] [url=][img][/img][/url] [url=]Twitter[/url]
I'm interested to learn more from him.
They chose him off that casting tape? Or picked him to do the interview process and yadayada... haha I found his tape to be a tad boring for a day in the life... gym, work, family... where's the fights, drama stories, and fun facts? haha He seems alright at the moment... nothing too interesting
"Thug life, club life", seriously, that ain't working for you. I bet this Adam Royer wannabe is the loser that keeps getting into fights.
[QUOTE=ILoveRW;315104]"Thug life, club life", seriously, that ain't working for you. I bet this Adam Royer wannabe is the loser that keeps getting into fights.[/QUOTE] I believe it's been said that it's the black guy who keeps getting in fights.
[QUOTE=molds13;315106]I believe it's been said that it's the black guy who keeps getting in fights.[/QUOTE] In that case, I wanna learn some more about [I]him[/I]! But, I think Johnny will be interesting. I hope we get to see him cook on the show.
Anonymous's picture
How the F*** was he picked with that casting tape ? It's not that it's...bad or anything it's just so...simple "Hey, this is me, this is where I live, these are my parents, this is my room, this is where I work. Oh hi Carl! Ok, so this is where I train. Now I have to go, bye !"
[QUOTE=molds13;315106]I believe it's been said that it's the black guy who keeps getting in fights.[/QUOTE] I don't know if I necessarily believe all that but I'm interested to hear his point of view if it is indeed true. And what's with the "no ****" line. People in 2012 still use that? I love how Leo said that and has that picture as his avatar.
[QUOTE=Mr.Quebec;315130]How the F*** was he picked with that casting tape ? It's not that it's...bad or anything it's just so...simple "Hey, this is me, this is where i live, these are my parents, this is my room, this is where i work. Oh hi Carl ! Ok, so this is where i train. Now i have to go, bye !"[/QUOTE] I would guess he went to a casting call first, and then when they decided they liked him, they asked him to make a casting tape.
[QUOTE=Mr.Quebec;315130]How the F*** was he picked with that casting tape ? It's not that it's...bad or anything it's just so...simple "Hey, this is me, this is where I live, these are my parents, this is my room, this is where I work. Oh hi Carl! Ok, so this is where I train. Now I have to go, bye !"[/QUOTE] If there was a like button I'd use it. But I honestly think this video was secondary not primary.
"The middle child of a boisterous blue-collar Irish family, Johnny grew up in a small town outside of Boston "with more cows than people." With his thick Massachusetts accent and beaming smile, Johnny has always been the center of attention and the glue that holds his friends together. Johnny was a star hockey player, but after realizing he couldn't make a career out of it, he began studying to be a physical therapist or a trainer, with plans to work with professional athletes. Financial difficulties have forced him to take a semester off, so he's making ends meet as a short order cook at a local bar. Everyone loves Johnny and for good reason--he is charming, honest and rarely holds back. He loves to party but can get into some crazy trouble when intoxicated. Although he's had his share of one-night stands, Johnny has been known to fall hard for a girl from time to time. Nonetheless, he often puts a wall up around his emotions until his jealousy gets the best of him. His last serious relationship was two years ago. Is he ready to fall again? In Portand, the beautiful Averey catches his eye, but flings with roommates can get complicated -- real fast. Will Johnny be able to satisfy Averey or is he out of his league? "