Survivor: Edge of Extinction - It's Like the Worst Cocktail Party Ever
The castaways' mental toughness is tested on the Edge of Extinction, and targets begin switching from one castaway to another when weaknesses are exposed
I don't recall ever seeing a season with the same people losing every single time people the merge. Hopefully they don't got to tribal again.
It happened in season 10 where only one girl was left from her tribe, Now though with multiple tribe swaps it never happens, with this being the exception since one tribe stayed the same pretty much
I don't recall ever seeing a season with the same people losing every single time people the merge. Hopefully they don't got to tribal again.
It happened in season 10 where only one girl was left from her tribe, Now though with multiple tribe swaps it never happens, with this being the exception since one tribe stayed the same pretty much
Yeah, I should have clarified since the countless tribe swaps started.
I don't recall ever seeing a season with the same people losing every single time people the merge. Hopefully they don't got to tribal again.
It happened in season 10 where only one girl was left from her tribe, Now though with multiple tribe swaps it never happens, with this being the exception since one tribe stayed the same pretty much
Palau >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
My first Survivor season that I watched the whole way through.
I’m commenting late but anyways, I’m guessing Wendy leaves. I could see the green tribe putting their votes on Wendy in hopes of having the rest of the blue tribe flip.
This week and last week has me pumped for this season. Granted I'd be pissed to the point of not caring anymore had Queens Lauren or Kelley went home but they didn't so whatever,
Everyone on the extinction island pretty much sucks, like this is one of the best pre merge bootlists we've had in a while and none of them are actually gone. Even worse is I wouldn't even be shocked if Aubry came back, especially with Chris likely getting a disadvantage
Lauren on point in that picture. How are her eyebrows on point as well?
Survivor - It's Like the Worst Cocktail Party Ever (Sneak Peek 2)
Wardog is like Tony on valium.
I hate these Tony knockoffs. And first of all what kind of cringy nickname is Wardog, he’s trying WAY too hard
Wardog isn’t even acting like Tony that much, from what is shown to viewers, and he’s actually playing a great game.
I havent wat h an episode of this but that girl looks like Katrina from bad blood
I don't recall ever seeing a season with the same people losing every single time people the merge. Hopefully they don't got to tribal again.
It happened in season 10 where only one girl was left from her tribe, Now though with multiple tribe swaps it never happens, with this being the exception since one tribe stayed the same pretty much
Yeah, I should have clarified since the countless tribe swaps started.
Palau >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
My first Survivor season that I watched the whole way through.
Seems like Wardog just wants to control the vote just to say he did.
I mean, this is just tough to watch at this point with how bad this team is. Disappointed with Wentworth and Lauren--expected them to be better.
Never seen a tribe so happy to not finish last--lol
? only 2 girls was able to release the puzzles lol.
Have you watched survivor much?
I know you said people but this happened to Denise on Phillippines and I wish she'd come back.
Yeah, that was another level--it was pure relief.
Lauren redeemed herself--I expected both of them to be able to handle that though--just being honest
Wow--well played
dat wasnt easy to watch tbh
Does she keep her advantages?
Every episode, you wonder how Wendy manages to stay on this long.
I just finished the first tribal council and all I can say is
Reem/Keith absolutely loathing Chris is so random to me lmaooo
I’m commenting late but anyways, I’m guessing Wendy leaves. I could see the green tribe putting their votes on Wendy in hopes of having the rest of the blue tribe flip.
Three idols found, and all of them by females! Shooketh
This season has seriously so friggen good.
This week and last week has me pumped for this season. Granted I'd be pissed to the point of not caring anymore had Queens Lauren or Kelley went home but they didn't so whatever,
Everyone on the extinction island pretty much sucks, like this is one of the best pre merge bootlists we've had in a while and none of them are actually gone. Even worse is I wouldn't even be shocked if Aubry came back, especially with Chris likely getting a disadvantage
I really hope the edit that wardog is gettingn is strictly because hes seen so many tribals....
Hes getting too much attention for my liking