“Make way for a brand-new MTV mom squad.
MTV's Pretty Little Mamas, premiering on August 30, will follow a group of best friends in San Diego who are facing the realities of loss, love, relationships and career aspirations. Nicole, Chandlar, Nikki, Alyssa and Cheyenne have been through a lot and are trying to have it all -- as young mothers.”
This looks faker than the hills and Siesta Key
When I saw the name Cheyenne I thought it was the racist one tbh ⚰️
I thought this was a reality show about lil mama, I'm disappointed.
I'm not even sure if this is supposed to be a reality show or a scripted series or what
MTV need to bring back The Hills and stop trying to make these flop copycats happen. This will get canceled along with Siesta Key and that Staten Island show.
Have you seen Kristen’s new show on E?
I thought Cheyenne was the Cory one. I thought they pushed her to the budget teen mom
its great
oh nice another show about the same shit mtv has been doing for the past 15 years
No but I've heard people discussing it and saying it was good. I'd prefer she leave her husband and give us a Hills reunion instead.
Pretty Little Mamas but starring Theresa Gonzalez, Jonna Mannion, Tori Hall and Kendal Sheppard
That’s a show I can get behind.
You forgot Jenny, but I’ll forgive you.
Who wants to bet one of them will end up on the challenge
this gives me siesta key vibes oop Im watching idc I’m here for the laughs
Gonna get pushed to MTV2 after 2 episodes
oh wait, this is the kind of shit MTV and it’s core fan base want. SMH
Fakest shit I’ve seen in a while. Love & Hip Hop is shaking!
Love Jay Cutler on it<3
I'll watch just to see whats so different about these ladies...BUT this is definitely going to MTV2 or put on the backburner..even the video release is nonlisted so it's not circulating the web the way it should!
It wasn't even apart of their announced greenlights/full season pickups !? why greenlight a show if you're gonna ignore it and leave it out of normal programming routines.
I want to know who though it was a good idea to make this show? This looks tragic *** **** then again makes sense why mtv is in the trash lol
Does one of them die and becomes A's with like 7 seasons of them trying to find out who A is when it was multiple people?
Not even Jersey shore could saved this tragedy
Welp. Count this as another flop for MTV.
I saw an advertisement before a youtube video and this shit is scripted beyond belief. At least hire good actresses with kids
Imagine wasting Jersey Shore’s lead-in on this
I will say I've watched the first episode & this would have been a great True Life episode.
...but i can't see this as a series, it's def different... the friend that passed away, the distance in ages & the kids of course and the wealthy judgy community BUT the purpose of this series is stupid and for it to get a series run on a major network after another show like Jersey Shore.
Didn't need it.