Amazing Race 15: Episode 1 - Season Premiere

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Amazing Race 15: Episode 1 - Season Premiere
[B][SIZE=3]The 15th season begins with 12 teams in Los Angeles. One pair are eliminated before leaving the starting line, while the other 11 duos fly to Japan---the first stop on a 21-day, eight-country trek. Phil Keoghan is the host. [/SIZE][/B] [CENTER][URL=""][IMG][/IMG][/URL][/CENTER]
I hate that they are going to eliminate one of the teams off the bat and then have multiple non-elimination points.
So excited for this to start! I've stayed away from most of the spoilers so I am excited to see how I like the teams :)
[strike]75[/strike] 60 Minutes is running late. Again. Change your DVRs as necessary... SHUT UP Andy Rooney.
[QUOTE=molds13;123702][strike]75[/strike] 60 Minutes is running late. Again. Change your DVRs as necessary... SHUT UP Andy Rooney.[/QUOTE] Thanks for the heads up!
Saying "I know I'm going to marry him and he knows he's going to marry me" is kind of awkward. Marcia and Ron are so ****** cute!! And I love the brothers.
I like how the two teams that were talking the most smack at the beginning are the two left at the LA River...ahh, karma.
I really don't like how they are waiting for all the teams at Sushi Roulette. It takes everything back to the start, which is pointless. Am I the only one watching?
Are you ready to pray sushi rouray???
Wow, they got lucky with that speedbump. I think they are my least favorite team. They just don't give off a warm and nice vibe... On a completely unrelated note, I am really liking the lack of commercials.
[QUOTE=molds13;123713]Wow, they got lucky with that speedbump. I think they are my least favorite team. They just don't give off a warm and nice vibe... On a completely unrelated note, I am really liking the lack of commercials.[/QUOTE] Reality TV is always better with less commercials :)
While I was not a big fan of the elimination at the start, from they way that guy talked I was actually happy the yoga instructors were the team to go. I ended up missing the last 15 minutes. Even though I set my timer to run 30 minutes long, I did not realize I had two timers set at 10 (forgot it was a two hour show.) I definitely think the poker players are my least favorite team.
[QUOTE=molds13;123707]I like how the two teams that were talking the most smack at the beginning are the two left at the LA River...ahh, karma.[/QUOTE] Karma? Try editing. I am so glad my good girlfriend Ericka survived the first two eliminations. Her and Brian are such nice people in person and I was rooting for them so hard. After taking a break from the show for a while I see they still have the same stereotypical teams. A person with a disability (like that hasnt been done to death) and a couple always on the verge of a breakup. Gotta love monotany.
Here's my quick thoughts... I wasn't thrilled at the elimination at the start line, but in the end I was glad to see the yoga couple go. I'm enjoying Zev and Justin. Mika and Canaan are on my short list, a few alarm bells went off for me with that duck herding task. He has really bad sportsmanship or he has a short fuse. Either way not very attractive. Same for Ericka and Brian. Both seem extremely competitive. There were times I was thinking, ok they're not so bad...then under pressure... nope. It's going to be a short race for those two couples if they can't get it together and work as a team under pressure.
[QUOTE=Kathleen;123818]Here's my quick thoughts... I wasn't thrilled at the elimination at the start line, but in the end I was glad to see the yoga couple go. I'm enjoying Zev and Justin. Mika and Canaan are on my short list, a few alarm bells went off for me with that duck herding task. He has really bad sportsmanship or he has a short fuse. Either way not very attractive. Same for Ericka and Brian. Both seem extremely competitive. There were times I was thinking, ok they're not so bad...then under pressure... nope. It's going to be a short race for those two couples if they can't get it together and work as a team under pressure.[/QUOTE] Agreed, agreed, and agreed! I think Meghan and Cheyne are my favorite couple because they seemed very supportive of each other. I was definitely glad to see the yoga couple go first, and Keri and Lance are my next couple on the short list. He seems so pompous. However, after watching Garrett after they got eliminated, I'm glad they didn't last too long either. And I am loving Zev and Justin as well!! They work so well together. They are not one of my favorites, but I do like the way they interact with each other.
I do not watch the Amazing Race, but am just wondering if Tiffany Michele was as disgusting on this as she is when she plays poker. Even though saying she plays poker or is even a poker player is kind of a joke.
[QUOTE=DScott;123822]I do not watch the Amazing Race, but am just wondering if Tiffany Michele was as disgusting on this as she is when she plays poker. Even though saying she plays poker or is even a poker player is kind of a joke.[/QUOTE] They were telling people that they work for a homeless nonprofit group in LA but they were figured out after someone approached Tiffany at the airport in Kyoto and asked her if she made the top 15. If I had to lie about my job, I certainly wouldn't be throwing out something like that. I'd say sales or something. They are my least favorite team so far, Maria seems to have a negative outlook on everything and I don't think I saw her smile once. I have to say, I had heard lots of bad things about her in the poker world but it wasn't until I saw one of the videos on YouTube that I realized just how cutthroat she is. Pretty harsh...
My favorite team has to be the Harlem Globetrotters team haha Other than that I can't decide who to like except for Zev and Justin. The elimination before the start line was interesting and that yoga couple was a little I'm okay with it lol
I'm liking the majority of the teams so far, Meghan and Cheyne are my favorites so far though. The only ones I really dislike are the poker players...
Like lots of you, I wasn't a big fan of the quick elimination, but it made it much better that my least favorite team went home! So far I think I am liking the Globetrotters, the father/son team and the couple from San Diego (not too good with the names yet ;) ). Beginning with Tokyo was probably intense for most of the teams. With the language barrier, the mass amounts of people and eating wasabi bombs after a long flight! Oy! I didn't really like that they had to wait for the teams to play the roulette either. Why not just let the first teams start spinning the wheel and then teams can join in when they come at the end of a turn? They would only have to wait 2 mins max. It's fine if a place is closed and that evens things out, or if there is only 1 flights, those are the kinds of things that you would expect to happen traveling in The Race, but this just kind of seemed like a pointless time to try and create an even playing field. Happy to have the show back! I also liked how they called Zev, I believe, the "chicken whisperer"! haha
I love love love meghan/cheyne and the brothers. =)
[QUOTE=Wilderwolf;123876]I love love love meghan/cheyne and the brothers. =)[/QUOTE] Which team did you mean by "the brothers"? TAR doesn't have any brothers this year, actually I don't think we have any siblings and only 1 family team, the father/son, which is pretty surprising now that I think about it... There are 3 teams of guy friends though, the hot/gay friends from the south, the best friends since childhood and one has Aspergers and the the Harlem Globetrotter teammates/friends. I like all those teams though, haha
[QUOTE=tatertots;123880]Which team did you mean by "the brothers"? TAR doesn't have any brothers this year, actually I don't think we have any siblings and only 1 family team, the father/son, which is pretty surprising now that I think about it... There are 3 teams of guy friends though, the hot/gay friends from the south, the best friends since childhood and one has Aspergers and the the Harlem Globetrotter teammates/friends. I like all those teams though, haha[/QUOTE] Dan and Sam are the hot/gay brothers.
I may be in the minority but I actually like the poker players, the asian one gives me a Natalie from Big Brother vibe. If I am correct then she should go far in this game. My two favorite teams so far are Sam & Dan and of course Ericka & Brian.
Why does it have to be whenever poker players are cast for these shows, they are marginally decent players that usually only increase the negative view of poker players. Oy!
[QUOTE=molds13;123882]Dan and Sam are the hot/gay brothers.[/QUOTE] Dude they are brothers?! How did I miss that?! That makes their whole coming out to each other then high fiving story SOO much better! That little bit between them when they said "then we high fived" was one of my favorite moments last night :D
[QUOTE=tatertots;123913]Dude they are brothers?! How did I miss that?! That makes their whole coming out to each other then high fiving story SOO much better! That little bit between them when they said "then we high fived" was one of my favorite moments last night :D[/QUOTE] I liked that too. They seem like cool guys. They are really good looking and seem nice.