I am surprised she didn't put Russell up. I doubt that Jeff saves, any of the two...maybe Michelle, and put Natalie up...that would be awesome!!! But I have a feeling she is going to try and backdoor Russell.
This is the perfect opportunity for Jeff to use his power. He can nominate Jess and Natalie, assuring one of them goes home and then only one person can come after him next week.
I believe that Jeff is actually going to use his power this week regardless of the nominations. He's been dropping hints throughout the night about how Jessie needs to go, he pushed the idea on Jordan real hard. But who knows - its only been 6 hours since Chima won HoH. :P
[quote=salt&vinegar;108822]Things shift so quickly in that house. God only knows what may happen[/quote]
I know, it's almost ridiculous this season on how quickly things change. Honestly, I think we'll have a good idea of what will happen when we find out who the winner of the POV is. Chima has a strong opinion on everyone and I honestly doubt anybody is going to change how she thinks.
[quote=Gucci Mane;108742]Something tells me Jeff will want to "respect Chima's nominations" and not use the "power".[/quote]
Natalie said something last night about how the wizard should not "stir things up" if they are not on the block, and Jeff said "I'd stir things up but I am not the wizard so my opinion doesn't matter." It's really the perfect opportunity to get Jessie out this week, Chima can't compete next HOH and if tradition holds, the next HOH will be some sort of "eliminator," leaving Natalie with little to no chance. It is entirely likely that Ronnie, Jessie, and Natalie will be railroaded out three weeks in a row.
Jeff asked Russ if Jessie and Natalie were would he vote Jessie out.....Russ said yeah. Then Jeff said for Russ to have hope even if he went up...."nothing is official....until it's offcial..". He is hinting that he might flip things and I like it.
It would be smart for him to do that. The only people that would be upset would be Natalie and Chima. Russel would be thankful and probibaly help Jeff out in the future. Lydia would maybe be upset at first but Kevin could talk her down. His only worry would be Natalie winning HOH.
[quote=salt&vinegar;109076]It would be smart for him to do that. The only people that would be upset would be Natalie and Chima. Russel would be thankful and probibaly help Jeff out in the future. Lydia would maybe be upset at first but Kevin could talk her down. His only worry would be Natalie winning HOH.[/quote]
Jeff might have some backlash but getting Jessie out would be better for him in the long run. Natalie and Chima might be the only ones truly upset at the turn of events. It would be a big game move I think.
Russell & Lydia are nominated. Jordan does not trust Russell, thinks he should go, and that he'd backstab she and Jeff. Jeff says, "not if I save him." All signs of everything that Jeff has been saying the past 24 hours indicate that he will be nominating Jessie and Natalie on Thursday with the intent of evicting Jessie.
Jessie's eviction in both seasons is caused by America, I love it.
I wonder if Jordan will catch on to the hints he's dropping. Mike Boogie was dropping almost the same hints and I am pretty sure Dr. Will knew. Although, Jordan is no Dr. Will.
[quote=GoldenWarrior;109086]Jeff might have some backlash but getting Jessie out would be better for him in the long run. [B]Natalie and Chima might be the only ones truly upset at the turn of events[/B]. It would be a big game move I think.[/quote]
Exactly - and Chima will not be able to play for HoH and, come on... is Natalie [I]really[/I] going to win something, let alone after a turn of events like that? Her biggest ally will have been nominated and evicted in the course of less than 45 minutes, there's no way she'll be able to focus on the HoH competition.
[quote=salt&vinegar;109125]Natalie would probibaly be to shocked to compete well.[/quote]
Which will hopefully ensure her subsequent eviction... if I were the next HoH, I'd be like "Hey Natalie, I'm gonna do you a favor... kick you out now so you have a week alone with Jessie in the jury house!" haha :)
This, of course, all hinges on Jessie [B]not[/B] winning veto (and if he does, I'm sure Natalie will probably be Jeff's target).
Natalie going home would not be a productive as Jessie going home. All hate for him aside he is a threat and if he continues on with people just overlooking him...he could get to the end.