Paris Hilton looks for a new best friend on a reality show?

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Paris Hilton looks for a new best friend on a reality show?
Although E! canceled The Simple Life after its fifth season, Paris Hilton may return to reality television. The show, which will essentially be a search for a new Nicole Richie-esque sidekick, is "expected to be picked up by either MTV or VH1," Us Weekly reports. An anonymous source told the magazine that "[t]he show is going to be about her searching for a new best friend. Paris is tired of the haters and she's looking for someone new. She's looking for someone new and cool who she can trust." Although Paris said would film last summer, E! canceled it, and an Us Weekly source said then that "the real life drama of their lives overshadowed anything happening on the show." [ via [URL=""]RealityBlurred[/URL] ]
Anonymous's picture
Why post on Ebola Hilton? So gross.
and is anyone starting a forum about paris hiltons new bff. i know we all make fun of this show. but i'm curious to see some of the cast's myspace pages
[QUOTE=southside79;31408]and is anyone starting a forum about paris hiltons new bff. i know we all make fun of this show. but i'm curious to see some of the cast's myspace pages[/QUOTE] Paris and new BFFs are to be on tonight according to an email I received from MTV today.
I am going to watch this show purely to LMAO..the previews made it look hilarious!
LOL This show is so...just wow. The whole concept is to try to be Paris' best friend and well we all see how that could turn out. Might last longer than I want to be a hilton.
Anonymous's picture
Really? This show is awful!!! Is the poor quality on MTV a reflection of today's society... or vice versa? lol Maybe I'm just getting old.