Big Brother 9 Discussion - Day 12

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Big Brother 9 Discussion - Day 12
There was no drama to speak of yesterday at least nothing out of the ordinary. Just to generally summarize (I'm lazy today) Sheila and Allison spent the day campaigning (but not according to them as Allison repeatedly says that she is not nor will see campaign...yeah honey they all say that). They seem determined for everyone to know how evil Jen is. They think it's absolutely horrible that Jen would call Ryan a racist behind his back. She is his girlfriend. (Umm hello, so her disloyalty is a bigger sin than the fact that he is indeed racist?) I think Allison kissed every single person's a** (except for Jen's...she doesn't seem to care what Jen thinks of her and she will tell anyone how ugly she thinks Jen is on the inside and how Ryan deserves better) but most people are onto her. They think she's manipulating them, which she is, and are just agreeing with her to her face. Parker is very watchful of her and is trying to keep on the people she talks to. He's worried about Joshuah and keeps telling Sharon not to leave him alone. Apparently, Sheila and Allison's little dirty secret (that they made up) is still going strong. The only person they've told is Joshuah, but he told Sharon last night and she was shocked. I'm not sure how funny the house guests are going to think their little prank is when they find out. Parker and Jen feel the vote will be 2-2, Allison thinks she'll be able to swing it to a 3-1 vote. I'm not sure how the vote it going to go. They are all liars. LMAO and it's hard to see who is truly on who's side. The swing vote is Matt and Natalie. They are playing both sides and I'm not sure where they are going. I think it'll depend on the tide. Best to play on the winning side after all. Josh/Sharon and Chelsia/James definitely voting out Parker/Jen. Adam seems to have control of his team's vote and is double talking too (but we all know Sheila wants to save her girl), so I'm not sure where his head is at. I think he'll go with the majority if Matt leads him to think that everyone wants Jen gone. I tell you if I have to go another day of Sheila/Allison I will flip out. I can not stand Allison constantly telling Sheila how smart and brilliant she is. Oh and Amanda is keeping her mouth shut, strategy wise...she refused to talk to anyone but Alex about game play. Good girl. But she's still talking trash and trying to defend herself by blaming others. She told Nat that she will only talk to Alex from now on if she has something to say. Nat says no, you can't trust him. Tell only me. LOL BB gave them no beer, and the HG's had some fun...talking dirty sex and having a fake talk show. Parker was on DR strike for 2 days, but late last night he's decided his strike was over.
The "secret" Sheila/Allison lesbian alliance is so very disturbing on a variety of levels. My mind wants to go "there" and picture such things (because I am a guy and have no control over such thoughts) but my stomach thankfully is saying, "DO NOT WANT!" I hope that when the house finds out about their sadistic faux relationship they put both couples for eviction right away. All 4 of them (Ryan the racist, Adam the retard, Shelia the washed up pet and Allison the annoyance) need to leave soon. Actually they all need to leave soon. Thank God this is a short season...
Jen is apparently sick and the house guests are joking that she is pregnant. Ryan is taking it all in good fun. But says she just had her period and is taking BC. Natalie makes some comment about how she was dreadfully sick before she had an abortion. Then a couple of the guys yell to Jen to take lots of BC and the baby will die. Yep, another new low for BB9.
Ughh.... that is such a nasty comment. Mmmmk, I guess I am now going with Chelsia and James. James just kind of creeps me out with his porn stuff and the whole putting his member in his mouth deal. But better them than the rest of this house.