Big Brother 9 Discussion: Day 7

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Big Brother 9 Discussion: Day 7
Sharon is back in the house and Neil is gone. Sharon is now paired with Joshua and is back for Jen's head. But sounds like she is willing to do that by making her stay and getting rid of Ryan. (I think that has more do with her not wanting Parker to go) However, Joshua thinks it would be best if they got rid of Jen/Parker because that would benefit their side of the house. Also Joshua is very upset that Neil is gone and he didn't get to say good-bye he is feeling very isolated and home sick....and he tells Sharon that he is missing Chase, a guy he was getting close to before he came into the house. Josh also told someone he was apprehensive about being Sharon's partner. Sharon has been working hard to convince everyone that Ryan/Jen set Jacob up. Had he known that Jen and Ryan were a couple he would never have told her about 'someone' calling Parker a snake. She is mad that Jacob is gone and she is back and will be playing for him, too. According to Jokers, Jen and Ryan had relations in the bathroom. Which is disgusting when a mere hour ago he shoved her tampon back in place for her while they were sitting on the love seat in the bathroom. ewwwwww Trouble in paradise. Amanda is not feeling the love with Alex anymore and vise versa. She says they are too much a like. Alex complained to Matt that Amanda runs hot out of bed but in it she blocks every attempt. He said "Soul mates, my ***! BB" He also complained about her voice and said he could never live with her. Matt said the same about Natalie.
Hmm, so this is a new twist (since they lost their twist.) I wonder what happened to Neil, and doesn't this go against the whole Soul Mates thing? I mean if they are going to bring someone back, why not bring back the entire couple and toss Josh? Not that I like Jacob (I don't) but there seems to be something very "Big Brother forced" and wrong with this situation. [quote] She is mad that Jacob is gone and she is back and will be playing for him, too.[/quote]I am not sure I fully understand this statement. If she wins, he gets half of her half?
I fully agree Bacchus very suspicious of BB and well we all know how that goes. Since Allison G took the helm nothing is real about this show. Sheila and Allison were discussing the departure of Neil and they think it could be because he wasn't into Josh. But I'm telling you, there has been nothing since the feeds came on to indicate that Neil was unhappy and wanted to leave. The HG's were not told he was leaving or given reasons why. Just he's gone and Sharon's back and she is Josh's soul mate. Sharon said she and Jacob have been in sequester since they left Sunday. And I think she just means she is going to play to avenge him, not split the money with him. ;) Also, Josh was explaining how he read all the same leaks we did before coming into the house, so he saw the cast list and new the twist of soul mates. He also new the strike was coming to an end and he figures the couples will not be split up. They will be there 6-8 weeks. He said he knows they were only meant to be a filler until May. To allow for the returning shows and for BB to reset the house for July.
I just saw on Jokers that it was thought that Neil had a family emergency. Maybe that is why they kept Jacob and Sharon in sequester. They figured they would wait to tell Neil and if he decided to leave they would have untainted cast members. It was strange that Julie didn't do a post departure interview, wasn't it? Doesn't she almost always do one? There might still be a chance that Jacob could return too being they are holding him......who knows.
As far as the departure interview, maybe she just didn't do it because it wasn't a live evicition and Julie wasn't on the set. I don't know that this was planned because on the end of Wed's show they said tune in for Sharon and Jacob on housecalls..... it's bizarre. Could they really just kick someone out week one to bring someone back? If anything I thought they would have brought both Jacob and Sharon back if they decided they want to get more play from their twist. Wonder what kind of explanation we'll get on the actual show?
[quote=Katiedid;6332]As far as the departure interview, maybe she just didn't do it because it wasn't a live evicition and Julie wasn't on the set. I don't know that this was planned because on the end of Wed's show they said tune in for Sharon and Jacob on housecalls..... it's bizarre. Could they really just kick someone out week one to bring someone back? If anything I thought they would have brought both Jacob and Sharon back if they decided they want to get more play from their twist. Wonder what kind of explanation we'll get on the actual show?[/quote] I forgot about the evicted person usually being evicted on the live show. This was a weird circumstance. Still the fact that they had them in sequester was strange as they normally release them to the media right after they are booted. Something is just not right here!
Technically, they didn't have a chance to release them. The eviction show had literally just finished airing on the West coast when they brought back Sharon. I can see them sequestering them until it aired. It's still fishy but if Neil did have a family emergency and Josh chose for Sharon to come back like the are saying on Jokers than it's all plausible.
It Is All Lies! Lies I Tell You!
Right, and the producers told Eric he had to save ****. ;)
So I am guessing on the feeds no one has given any indication to what went down with Neil leaving? I'm hoping someone slips something out right before a FOTH or something!