Grey's Anatomy: Ep. 402 - Love/Addiction

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Grey's Anatomy: Ep. 402 - Love/Addiction
This felt like a bridge installment bringing us from the premiere to something better (hopefully.) Tracks needed to be laid. My quick thoughts on the second episode this season: [LIST] [*]I am really not feeling Meredeth these days. I almost wish she was still in the harbor! I mean why does she have to treat her half sister like that? Meredeth is just a bad person! [*]Izzy/ George feels even more wrong this week then it did last week. I am begging the writers to save his marriage with Callie. Please, Oh pretty please? [*]Speaking of Callie, she should not be Chief Resident. It was a stupid gimmick at the end of last season and now is the time to fix it. [*]What was up with the episode focus on Burke's mom. If I was in charge over there I'd do anything I could to [I][B]NOT[/B][/I] bring attention to the departure of a lead character. [*]Alex let his emotion take control once again this week. When will he ever learn? [*]I at least thought I would enjoy the ending this week, but then Derek gave in and went out the door with M. F'ing Grey![/LIST] My totally not going to happen wishful thinking prediction for next week: Meredeth gets the clap by sleeping with a random guy at the bar, is given penicillin to combat the virus and unbeknownst to her, is deathly allergic to it and dies right as it is being administered.
[quote=Bacchus;735] My totally not going to happen wishful thinking prediction for next week: Meredeth gets the clap by sleeping with a random guy at the bar, is given penicillin to combat the virus and unbeknownst to her, is deathly allergic to it and dies right as it is being administered.[/quote] We couldn't get that lucky! But something does have to happen soon. She's starting to irritate the crap out of me. And the whole Gizzy storyline is pathetic. Callie needs to kick his ***, after she steps down from Chief Resident. McSteamy could make me espresso any day!
[QUOTE]Callie needs to kick his ass[/QUOTE] I agree. I would totally condone reverse domestic violence in this singular situation if that would mean the end of Gizzy.:devil2:
On Lifetime last night they kind of had a review of everything that has happened on Grey's, but I'm not sure if it has totally brought me up to speed to the present season. A patient who owns a bar narrated it, did anyone ever see that one?
[QUOTE]A patient who owns a bar narrated it, did anyone ever see that one?[/QUOTE] From looking at the episode that is up next on Lifetime, I am guessing what you saw is a review of Season 1 and most of Season 2 (as that is what season they are showing right now.) This would lead me to believe you still need to catch up on the last 4 episodes of season 2, all of season 3 and the beginning of season 4. :D
Well dang it! I thought I could just pick up now and start watching current eps...
[QUOTE]Well dang it! I thought I could just pick up now and start watching current eps...[/QUOTE] Truthfully, you could get away with watching the last 2 episodes of season two and then reading the recap of the last episode of season three -- [I]and you'd be sufficiently caught up[/I] :D There really wasn't much of note that happened during what will forever be knows as, "The Dark Period" - (Season Three.)