Real World: Sydney

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Real World: Sydney
I have been a long time fan of the Real World, but this season I am just not that into it. I still catch it most weeks, but it doesn't hold the same excitement for me. But I have decided to go through the houseguests and give my opinion. Parisa: Complicated young woman Dunbar: Egotistical *******, and not as cute as he thinks he is Isaac: Verrry strange guy, but refreshingly funny Kelly Anne: Cute flirty typical Real World girl Shauvan: Seems like a pretty nice and reasonable girl, except for when she's wasted. HUGE tatas! Trisha: Still in the high school 'mean girls' mentality. I have heard rumors she gets kicked off for slapping Parisa Cohutta: Seems sweet when I can actually understand what he's saying. That has to be the THICKEST southern accent I have heard in my life!!
I have been watching as well, even though there really isn't any excitement. Maybe it is true that Trisha will get kicked off and someone worth watching will be brought in to replace her. The last episode is still sitting on my DVR. I have to be really hard up to hit "play." [B]Parisa:[/B] Extremely Annoying New Yorker [B]Dunbar:[/B] Annoying Southerner [B]Issac:[/B] Interesting Thug. Only person I actually like on the show. [B]Kelly Anne:[/B] Annoying Child [B]Shauvon:[/B] Self-righteous Annoying [B]Trisha:[/B] Annoying ***** [B]Cohutta: [/B]Annoying Hick. Who would have guessed chick magnet?
When is the next challenge?? I am just hoping it will be better than Inferno 3. Well, it almost has to be. At least Tonya and Susie aren't supposed to be on it, thank God. But I hear Angel and Tori from Viewers Revenge are going to make their challenge debut, and I just knoooow you're excited about that! ;)
I just might skip the next challange. I just can't stand Angel or Tori. The only reason to watch is maybe for the sick fasination of watching augmented Brooke hook up with Ev.
I know the Brooke Ev hookup will be bizarre. Who knew about Brooke? I wonder if she'll cry if Evelyn tries to take her bowling. I will watch this challenge and not try to find out the winners anywhere on the web. The Inferno was the first one where I knew the outcome, and it made it anticlimatic to say the least. But Evan is going to be back on this one and he's always good for some comic relief.
[quote=Katiedid;108]I wonder if she'll cry if Evelyn tries to take her bowling.[/quote] Hmmm.....don't think I have heard that idiom before. Don't think I want to know what it means!
It's nothing dirty or anything, lol. There was an episode of Real World Denver where Brooke is all excited about meeting a cute guy and exchanging digits. Then he calls her and asks if she would like to go on a date and go bowling and she has one of her typical Brooke breakdowns. It was pure comedy. She was just completely aghast that a guy would want to take a southern princess type like her bowling. Even as she was crying about it to Stephen, he was just laughing in her face because of how ridiculous she is. Brooke is pure comedy without meaning to be. It's right up there with the BB/Jen picture breakdown.
.....and that is not what first came to my! But thanks for the clarification!
You'd be surprised how many "hicks", as you put it, get the girls. We love those southern gentlemen. One of my favorite songs (actually, the ringback tone on my cell) is "Ladies Love Country Boys". *muah*