The Challenge: Champs vs. Stars - Stairing Down the Competition

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Is Louise from the UK or pulling a Tya?

arian foster why u doin this bro u concussed?

Graphik wrote:

Ceej3 wrote:Pause they really got "3 wins" under CT. They really counted Champs vs Stars. Lololol

So The Kang has 6 then.

Actually that would only mean that Darrell has 5. 

Yeah my bad I forgot about that thrashing he gave Brad lmao

Wes/Louise/Ashley playing the game. >>>>

Wes/Louise about to be the Wes/Theresa of this season.

arian foster why u doin this bro u concussed?

I'm bored now... what's going on lol

Is Louise from the UK or pulling a Tya?

She represented them at thr Olympics lol

Wes/Louise/Ashley playing the game. >>>>

Arian not the one lmaooooooooo

I'm bored now... what's going on lol

Just wait don’t give up yet. lmaooo 

It's a shame when the spinoff is more enjoyable than the real thing lmaooo

It's a shame when the spinoff is more enjoyable than the real thing lmaooo

It's a shame when the spinoff is more enjoyable than the real thing lmaooo

It's a shame when the spinoff is more enjoyable than the real thing lmaooo

is it a shame tho? like ucan tell what show production has their hands on a lot more cause whatever they touch turn to shit

Arian not the one lmaooooooooo

Devin only used to arguing with Remedial John. He wasn’t ready for real wit 

I feel like this could rival the first season. I dont know the second season lol.

It's a shame when the spinoff is more enjoyable than the real thing lmaooo

I said the same about Champs vs. Pros/Stars vs. Dirty XXX

They just need to stop giving thotnado camera time because every time I see her she just annoys me :/.

Graphik wrote:

Arian not the one lmaooooooooo

Devin only used to arguing with Remedial John. He wasn’t ready for real wit 

Devin had to walk away and laugh it off lmao

tony talking about staying on top with that TRP and HGH 

Speaking of thotnado I’m still waiting for that tornado nickname to get brought up.

I still don't like Tony but I'll give money to his charity if I can clock his brother one time. Smile

Ok I like the power play. 

I'm confused what is going 

Jozea baby.

Jozea you tried but failed.


Yeah Kailah's lips look bad.

arian *********
