The Challenge: Battle of the Eras- Maga Maria Sorbello

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Daily Maga Maria HATE Smile

laurel is anti life and anti choice. any puppy that gets sent to her veterinarian's office has to die, the owner gets no say.


libertarians are basically just conservates who like weed and degeneracy. i can see wes being one

I am a libertarian who believes in science and data and freedom and the constitution. I voted against Trump every time he ran, because he is an authoritarian and a tyrant. I did not vote for the libertarian candidates, because I think Trump is too much a danger to our freedom and constitution, which he has certainly proven was correct when he pushed for Pence to not certify the election. Also because he was pushing conservatives who were pro-life and pro-business and not ones who consider personal freedom fundamental to the constitution. The US is not a free nation any longer. It is a nation run by oligarchs who use their wealth to suppress the masses and force birth so they have cheap, uneducated labor who will also vote for them.

RIP maga maria and caramarialover Sad

The way she's kinda irrelevant now ijbol Smile

she left a comment on ig saying that she voted for trump because basically liberals are meanies and that she and paulie are still a part of the "LBG" community regardless of what anyone thinks.

also stated that she's getting attacked because libs only come at her with feelings instead of facts. yet she whole heartedly believed in the 50 million dollars worth of condoms to gaza lie.

Short, wide-back, chimpanzee shaped b^itch. That's facts not feelings.

whewww she got yall MAD over HER opinion and views Smile

she needs to shut the **** before she gets shoved into benchland again lol

whewww she got yall MAD over HER opinion and views

she will call you a racial slur and a f^ag please stop Smile

she needs to shut the **** before she gets shoved into benchland again lol

and that would be for the best!


whewww she got yall MAD over HER opinion and views

she will call you a racial slur and a f^ag please stop

You don't think it has too many letters though lgbtq+... they stay calling us the alphabet gang maybe cara only identifies as lgb! Smile

Cara looks like a botched transsexual. she has the audacity to leave out the T lmaooo

Cara does not look like a trans thats why she left the T out stop. Even with the muscles she still looks feminine

Cara looks like a botched transsexual. she has the audacity to leave out the T lmaooo

Saying this just as ignorant as her leaving it out. 

See yall jumped down her throat before she explained... like she said yall were gonna do. You guys are exhausting on both sides

she and paulie are not lesbians either so why add the L in? this ************ doesn't even know how to dogwhistle right

I don't think she knows what she's saying

Oh Cara Retardia Sad

Forever a victim. Imagine being "bullied" into voting for Donald Trump in 2025 . What gets me is that she does it to herself. No one asked her to make political commentary every other day but then get mad when people ask who she voted for. I actually don't think she'd pass a psych test if she answered honestly. She truly is ****** in the brain. She's so far gone. And **** Paulie. Which also means **** Cody. And **** Derrick. And **** Caleb. 

I don't think she knows what she's saying

agreed. she's just parroting the right wing talking points that paulie taught her. i can't take her seriously when she's a 40 yr old  who just voted for the first time. 

She won yall LOST yet again lmao... You won't change her mind so i dunno why yall so mad in trying. Leave her alone and focus on paying yall rent this month lol Smile

She won yall LOST yet again lmao... You won't change her mind so i dunno why yall so mad in trying. Leave her alone and focus on paying yall rent this month lol

you're weird btw

She didn't win, anyone who claims they are bullied as an adult automatically loses lol

See yall jumped down her throat before she explained... like she said yall were gonna do. You guys are exhausting on both sides

This is damage control, similar to the other one who tweeted the monkey emoji nonstop for two days after being called out. Because last I checked, she isn't L & G either.

She won yall LOST yet again lmao... You won't change her mind so i dunno why yall so mad in trying. Leave her alone and focus on paying yall rent this month lol

you're making zero sense babe Smile

She won yall LOST yet again lmao... You won't change her mind so i dunno why yall so mad in trying. Leave her alone and focus on paying yall rent this month lol

Tell that to your fave who just blacklisted herself for good. Alienated half her fans who won't be paying for her lil gay boyfriends OF anymore. Where will she make money? 
